The Idylle is a co-production between Studio Ruba and Polar Bear TV, directed by Aaron Rookus. I became involved in the project through David Verdurme, who asked me to create a precut of the film while he was still editing The Silent Treatment.
After shooting, I set up the project for David and began editing independently to assemble a first cut based on the screenplay. Only during the last five days did David provide feedback to help refine this initial cut for the first viewing with the director.
Afterwards, I handed over the project to editor David Verdurme, who continued the work with Aaron.
Head Of Departments
Production Company Studio Ruba, Polar Bear TV
Director Aaron Rookus
Director Of Photography Emo Weemhoff
Sound Engineer Simone Galavazi, Matis Rei
Editor David Verdurme
Avid Media Composer
The Idylle is a tragicomic mosaic film around the theme of meaning. Especially after a major setback, it becomes clear to you: the meaning is not there, you can attribute it to it, but you remain at the mercy of circumstances and the needs and wishes of others. For better or worse. In the midst of it, you must try to make something of it, within your own small existence. And maybe, in a small moment, you manage to be amazed. how imagination and creativity can help us process traumas in order to make peace with our past. It is the third film of the Lost Persons trilogy by Caroline Strubbe, three feature films that form a unique narrative block as a sequel, but also can be viewed as standalone films.