Only Me, Me Alone

Only Me, Me Alone is a short film by Jasper De Maeseneer, made in 2022. The film is about a little boy with ADHD who is home alone with his brother for a weekend and faces a lack of acceptance.
Festival Selections:
  • BREEDBEELD Shortfilm Festival, Antwerp, 2022 (Winner public prize)
  • International Shortfilm Festival Leuven, Leuven, 2022
  • Brussels Short Film Festival, Brussels, 2023 (Winner “Agence Belgique du Court Métrage” prize)
  • Pink Screens Film Festival, Brussels, 2023 (Winner jury prize)
My share in this project was editing and supervising the post-production proces from start to end.

Producer Victor Longin

Writers Jasper De Maeseneer, Chelsea Vennekens, Arthur Moelants

Director Jasper De Maeseneer

Directors Of Photography Arthur Moelants

Sound Engineer Aron Vanlimburg

DaVinci Resolve